【學英文】Latter vs Later 2者要分清

【學英文】Latter vs Later 2者要分清

昨天說了【Former vs Latter 前者 vs 後者】,今天再分清 Latter vs Later. 指時間的時候應該使用 later,當指兩個人或事物中的第二個時,就需要使用 latter.

Latter vs Later

“Latter” 是指在兩個事物之中提及的第二個,通常是在前文提到的兩者之中的後者。

例如,如果提到 “蘋果和梨,我更喜歡梨”,這裡的 “梨” 就是指 “後者”,也就是 “latter”。

“Later” 則是指在時間上延後的意思。

例如,如果我說 “我現在很忙,我會稍後給你回覆”,這裡的 “稍後” 意思就是 “later”,表示在未來的某個時間。

Latter 範例


  • The student can choose between two elective courses, with the latter focusing on advanced mathematics.
  • There are two options for the upcoming field trip, and the latter involves a visit to the science museum.

Later 範例


  • I have a meeting now, but I can discuss the project with you later this afternoon.
  • Let’s finish this task first, and we can have lunch together later.

Latter vs Later 小測驗


  1. I have two books, one is about history and the __________ is a mystery novel.
  2. The first class is about grammar, and the __________ will focus on pronunciation.
  3. Sarah has two cats, the white one is named Snowball, and the __________ is called Midnight.
  4. For breakfast, I had cereal, and for lunch, I’ll have a sandwich __________.
  5. In the morning, we will visit the zoo, and __________ we will have a picnic in the park.
  6. The first movie we watched was a comedy, and the __________ was a thriller.
  7. Emily wants to buy a new dress; the blue one is nice, but she prefers the __________ one in pink.
  8. We will study biology this semester, and __________ we will delve into chemistry.


  1. latter
  2. latter
  3. latter
  4. later
  5. later
  6. latter
  7. latter
  8. later




1對4 英文補習課程


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