【學英文】大S徐熙媛逝世 相關英語怎麽說

【學英文】大S徐熙媛逝世享年48歲 相關英語怎麽說

這兩天最轟動的新聞莫過於台灣女藝人大S徐熙媛病逝,享年48歲。2月2日網上突然瘋傳有台灣女明星因日本流感急症過世,最終大S家屬2月3日證實噩耗,讓眾人悲痛不已。對於大S等的華人明星,很多朋友都不知道怎樣去描述給非華語的朋友知。今日就和大家看一下 CNN 是怎樣去報導的。

Taiwanese actor Barbie Hsu dies of flu-related illness at age 48

台灣演員徐熙媛因流感相關疾病去世,終年 48 歲

註:很多人不知道,原來徐熙媛的英文名是 Barbie Hsu。

若想表達「因何種原因而死;死於什麼疾病」,則 die 需搭配介系詞 of 或 from 去表達因…而死。

Taiwanese actor Barbie Hsu, one of the most prominent stars in the Chinese-speaking world, has died of a flu-related illness at age 48, Taiwan’s official Central News Agency reported Monday, citing her sister.

台灣官方中央社週一引述其妹妹的消息稱,華語世界最傑出的明星之一,台灣演員徐熙媛因流感相關疾病去世,享年 48 歲。

Hsu died of pneumonia after catching the flu during a family holiday in Japan, her younger sister Dee Hsu said in a statement shared by her agent, CNA reported.


註:徐熙娣的英文名是 Dee Hsu

pneumonia 肺炎

“I am grateful that I could be her sister in this life, to take care and accompany each other,” Dee Hsu said. “I will always be grateful to her and miss her.”

「很感恩今生能做她的妹妹,互相照顧、陪伴。」徐熙娣說。 「我會永遠感激她並想念她。」

The star had faced poor health in recent years, her sister previously said on television.


Widely known as “Big S,” Hsu rose to fame at age 17 in the mid-1990s alongside her younger sister in Mandapop duo S.O.S. The siblings were known for their sharp sense of humor, underscored when both became popular talk show hosts.

廣泛被人們稱為 “大S”,20 世紀 90 年代中期,17 歲的徐熙媛與妹妹一起在華語流行音樂組合 S.O.S 中成名。姐妹倆以敏銳的幽默感而聞名,當他們都成為受歡迎的脫口秀主持人時,這一點就更加明顯了。


rise to fame = to become famous 成名,出名

Mandapop duo: Mandopop = Mandarin popular music; duo = a pair of people or things, especially in music or entertainment. Mandapop duo = 華語流行音樂二人組合。

Sibling:  兄弟姊妹

underscore: 在(詞語)下面畫線,在這裡有強調的意思,又或意指「更加明顯了」。

But it was Hsu’s lead role in the iconic 2001 television drama “Meteor Garden” that catapulted her to fame across the region as her portrayal of an ordinary girl who finds love with a rich boy resonated with millions of fans.

但正是 2001 年電視劇《流星花園》中的主角讓她跨地區一舉成名,她扮演的一位與富家子弟墜入愛河的普通女孩贏得了數百萬粉絲的共鳴。


lead role: 主角

iconic: 標誌性的

catapulted: 彈射

portrayal: 描繪

resonate with: 產生共鳴

On Monday, “Big S passed away” became the top trending topic on China’s Weibo social media platform, amassing over 1.5 billion views, as shocked fans mourned the star.



Weibo: 微博

social media: 社交媒體

amassing: 累積

shocked fans: 震驚的粉絲們

mourned: 哀悼

“This is really hard to believe,” a top comment with more than 54,000 likes said.

“這真的難以置信”,一條獲得超過 54,000 個讚的熱門評論說道。

“It was so sudden, life is too short,” said another.


Many Chinese celebrities also expressed shock over Hsu’s death.


“What a bolt from the blue,” her “Meteor Garden” co-star Ken Chu wrote on Weibo.


Hsu retired from the entertainment industry in 2022 following the end of her 11-year marriage to Chinese businessman Wang Xiaofei, a hot topic on social media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.



Taiwan Strait: 台灣海峽

both sides of the Taiwan Strait: 海峽兩岸

She is survived by her husband, Korean rapper Koo Jun-yup, and two children from her previous marriage.



survived by: to continue to live after someone, especially a member of your family, has died.

原文連結:Taiwanese actor Barbie Hsu dies of flu-related illness at age 48 | CNN

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